franchise consultant

30 04, 2024

Featured Franchise Consultant: From Corporate Climber to Franchise Consultant

2024-05-01T12:42:02-04:00April 30th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Mike Halpern began his career in franchising in 2001, and his ascent was swift. Beginning as a sales associate at a prominent franchise sales organization in Northern Virginia, he quickly climbed the ranks, ultimately being promoted to vice president of franchise development at 29 years old. By Rose Mango


1 03, 2024

Featured Franchise Consultant: Laura Rolfe, FranServe, Inc.

2024-03-01T00:31:27-05:00March 1st, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Laura Rolfe’s journey into the world of franchising began in her formative years, where she observed the invaluable freedom her parents enjoyed as franchise distributorship owners. Their ability to actively participate in her life events while managing their business left a profound impression on her. By Rose Mango


30 12, 2023

Debunking Unfounded Beliefs

2024-01-01T16:33:59-05:00December 30th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Sometimes people have thoughts and beliefs that are unfounded about franchise ownership. Therefore, it’s very important for anyone seeking to invest in a franchise speak with a franchise consultant first. One of the misguided beliefs is that it may take years to re-coup your investment and/or it may take months to build a client base. By Don Clayton


29 11, 2023

What the Heck is a Franchise Consultant?: Veterans are a Perfect Match

2023-11-30T10:32:18-05:00November 29th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Military veterans make excellent franchise consultants for many reasons. One reason individuals enter the military is their desire to help others and serve their country. Transitioning out of the military, these veterans seek opportunities to continue to serve and help others throughout the world. By Don Clayton


27 06, 2023

What’s the First Step to Franchising?

2023-06-27T15:42:42-04:00June 27th, 2023|Tags: , , , , |

The first step to franchising is to partner with a franchise consultant. A consultant will be an invaluable guide as you research the details of franchising. Your franchise consultant will not only help you to discover what type of business model you want to pursue, but will also help find the perfect franchise that is the right fit. By Rose Mango


30 04, 2022

What the Heck is a Franchise Consultant? Who’s Got Your Back?

2022-04-30T15:25:07-04:00April 30th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

As a Certified Franchise Consultant (CFC), I hear stories all the time about how those who choose to go into business by themselves have a difficult time in so many ways. Figuring out all the procedures, marketing, budgeting, implementation, collections, and employee management, just to name a few, can be a difficult task for most people, which is one reason many turn to franchising. By Don Clayton


28 02, 2022

What the Heck is a Franchise Consultant? The Compass

2022-02-28T20:15:25-05:00February 28th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

With so many options, from absentee, semi-absentee, home based, brick-n-mortar, employees, no employees, and more, certified franchise consultants (CFC) help people navigate their way through the journey of business ownership through franchising. By Don Clayton
