business ownership

30 06, 2024

Franchising: The Path to Firing Your Boss and to Business Ownership

2024-06-30T15:55:39-04:00June 30th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

In today’s rapidly changing job market, many Americans find themselves frustrated with their current positions. Long hours, limited growth opportunities and a lack of control over their professional lives leave countless individuals yearning for something more fulfilling. For those aspiring to achieve the American dream of business ownership, franchising presents a compelling and accessible pathway. By Rose Mango


30 04, 2024


2024-04-30T16:11:12-04:00April 30th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

There are a lot of people who enter into the world of franchising questioning themselves as to if they can be successful. What they fail to realize is that strength doesn’t come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming things you thought you could not do. By Don Clayton


27 07, 2023

A Day in the Life of a Franchisee: An Attractive Concept Leads to Happiness: Signworld

2023-07-27T08:33:22-04:00July 27th, 2023|Tags: , , , , |

When Kirtan Bhandary, owner of Rockville Sign Company, opened his doors two years ago in Rockville, Maryland, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Bhandary’s path to business ownership was a curvy one. By Nancy E. Williams


30 05, 2023

Half Full

2023-05-30T16:36:21-04:00May 30th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Recently I had a candidate who’d get real excited about an opportunity but the very next day it’d be inevitable that he’d contact me with something negative or what I call “stinkin’ thinkin’.” In other words, instead of seeing the glass half full, he saw it as half empty. By Don Clayton


31 03, 2023


2023-03-31T10:11:15-04:00March 31st, 2023|Tags: , , , |

It has been said that if you still have a pulse, then you still have a purpose. FranServe Certified Franchise Consultants (CFCs) are specifically trained and skilled at helping others realize their purpose in this life. Many miss out on their destiny because they sacrifice their destiny for “security.” By  Don Clayton


27 02, 2023

Home Based Franchise Group: Masters of Low-cost Niche Franchises

2023-02-27T11:07:17-05:00February 27th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Leo Goldberger and Curt Swanson are known for being trailblazers in the franchising industry, a title earned from learning to develop and grow their niche businesses. After co-founding The Patch Boys, a drywall repair company, in 2015, the duo bumped into FranServe CEO and President Alesia Visconti at a FranServe convention. By Brianna Bohn


31 08, 2022


2022-08-31T11:42:46-04:00August 31st, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Often as certified franchise consultants (CFC) we hear words like glamorous or sexy in terms of the type of franchise one may want to own. Let’s face it, being an entrepreneur is something to be proud of! Unfortunately, the vast majority of everyday people only know of a handful of franchise options. By Don Clayton
