Dawn Abbamondi
Development & Marketing Expert
Working with SMB’s franchisor clients, Dawn leads the areas of marketing, social media, public relations, web development and lead generation as well as contributing to organization and operations process development. With over 20 years in the franchising industry, she has managed brand acquisitions for expansion into new markets, which involved brand integration and re-imaging. She has led marketing initiatives for systems from 35 units to 1000 units. www.smbfranchising.com

Don Clayton
Franchise Consultant Acquisition Specialist
Don Clayton has spent more than 17 years helping others achieve their dream of business ownership. Starting as a franchise consultant for FranServe in 2012, he quickly became a top producer. His passion for the business led Don to the position of VP of Talent Acquisition, where he is committed to recruiting qualified candidates who are likely to succeed. www.franserve.com

Jonathan Barber
Franchise Attorney
Jonathan exclusively practices franchise law as a partner at Barber Power Law Group in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has assisted hundreds of franchisees with reviewing their FDDs and buying into franchises all over the world. Jonathan also represents emerging and established franchisors. www.franchise.law

Geoff Batchelder
Franchise Consultant and Franchise Development Expert
Geoff has been a franchise consultant and franchise development expert for the last 10 years after spending 25 years focusing on business development in the high-tech industry. His unique background and experience helps him steer aspiring business owners to the perfect franchise opportunity. www.compassfranchisegroup.com

Sue Bennett
Franchise Consultant
Sue Bennett, CFE, CFC is the co-owner of FranFinders, a Franchise Consultancy and Funding Company, with her husband Rob, since May 2008. They have helped hundreds of clients create wealth through franchise ownership. www.franfinders.com

Mariah Bohn
Funding Expert
Mariah Bohn is a funding consultant at FranFund, Inc. She is passionate about helping franchisees understand all of the funding options available to them and guiding them through the funding process so they can get their doors open quickly and easily. Mariah leverages FranFund’s extensive network of top-rated franchise and small business lenders to maintain a loan approval rate of 99% for clients pre-approved by FranFund. www.franfund.com

Diana Capirano
Franchise Consultant
Diana’s expansive career includes corporate and franchise sales and development, marketing and operations, merger and acquisitions, structuring and negotiations as well as business ownership. As a highly-respected consultant and mentor, Diana espouses a profound commitment to help prospective business owners and investors understand and navigate the multifaceted process of deciding franchise businesses to best suit them. www.focusfranchise.com

Don Clayton
Franchise Consultant Acquisition Specialist
Don Clayton has spent more than 17 years helping others achieve their dream of business ownership. Starting as a franchise consultant for FranServe in 2012, he quickly became a top producer. His passion for the business led Don to the position of VP of Talent Acquisition, where he is committed to recruiting qualified candidates who are likely to succeed. www.franserve.com

Pamela Currie
Franchise Consultant
Pamela Currie has 20+ years in franchising. As a Certified Franchise Consultant, Pamela enjoys educating and helping individuals be effective in selecting a franchise. Pamela enjoys being a resource and partner on finding a franchise that aligns with one’s lifestyle, budget, skill set, and personal and professional goals. Free Consultation: contact Pamela Currie at Pam@FranchiseIntellect.com.

Lisa Davenport
Content Coordinator
Lisa Davenport is content coordinator for Freedom Service Dogs of America in Englewood, CO. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Englewood, CO, that transforms dogs into life-changing service dogs for veterans, children, and other adults with disabilities. Lisa has specialized in marketing and writing for animal welfare organizations, real estate companies, and franchise businesses. Contact FSD for more information on how you can make a difference with Freedom Service Dogs of America. www.freedomservicedogs.org

Nancy Friedman
Customer Service Expert
Nancy is also known as “The Telephone Doctor” is a popular speaker on customer service, communications, sales, phone skills and etiquette at franchise and corporate events. She is available for interviews, podcasts and onsite training. www.telephonedoctor.com

Lana Mazin
Brand Development
Lana Mazin has worked at Raintree, a franchise development organization, for almost four years. By overseeing and evaluating numerous franchise concepts, Lana prides herself on helping franchise consultants determine the best options to present to their clients. She holds a Masters in Marketing with a focus on Brand Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. raintreesales.com

Nancy Friedman
Customer Service Expert
Nancy is also known as “The Telephone Doctor” is a popular speaker on customer service, communications, sales, phone skills and etiquette at franchise and corporate events. She is available for interviews, podcasts and onsite training. www.telephonedoctor.com

Anne Huntington
Franchise Expert
Anne Huntington is the President of Huntington Learning Center, the nation’s leading tutoring and test prep company. Huntington is responsible for leading the company’s continued franchise expansion, overseeing its digital transformation efforts, developing strategic partnerships, directing organizational change, and serving as the company’s public-facing representative. www.huntingtonhelps.com

Brian LaCour
Franchise Consultant
Brian LaCour has more than 20 years of business leadership experience in driving fiscal results, strategic planning, saving costs, increasing revenue, streamlining processes and developing top performing teams. LaCour’s passion for helping people led him to the role as president of the International Franchise Group. www.internationalfranchisegroup.com

Lana Mazin
Brand Development
Lana Mazin has worked at Raintree, a franchise development organization, for almost four years. By overseeing and evaluating numerous franchise concepts, Lana prides herself on helping franchise consultants determine the best options to present to their clients. She holds a Masters in Marketing with a focus on Brand Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. raintreesales.com

Jack Monson
Social Media and Marketing Expert
Jack Monson is the host of the Social Geek Radio Network, home of the number one podcasts in Franchising including The Franchise News Podcast and The Facebook Franchise Podcast. Jack is also the Chief Revenue Officer at Social Joey and has been working with franchisees and small businesses in social media marketing for 13 years.

Dan Pace
Funding Expert
Dan Pace is co-founder of First Financial Leasing & Finance and has over 30-years in the lending industry. He has a true passion for entrepreneurship and helping others achieve their dreams of business ownership. Dan and First Financial cut their teeth in the leasing space but now offer a full range of lending products including SBA, Rollover, Commercial Real Estate and Working Capital loans. For more information on franchise lending options, please contact info@ffcash.net, or visit ffcash.net.

Jessica Melendez
Franchisor and Franchise Consultant
Jessica is the CEO of WestStar Franchise Group, where she coaches and educates prospective franchise owners in finding a franchise. She also serves as a Trainer and Mentor for FranServe Inc. Her robust experience makes her a skilled resource in the world of franchising. www.weststarfranchisegroup.com

Jack Monson
Social Media and Marketing Expert
Jack Monson is the host of the Social Geek Radio Network, home of the number one podcasts in Franchising including The Franchise News Podcast and The Facebook Franchise Podcast. Jack is also the Chief Revenue Officer at Social Joey and has been working with franchisees and small businesses in social media marketing for 13 years.

Shay Mora
Funding Expert
Shay Mora, VP of Lending at FranFund, Inc. joined the company in 2012. She implemented and continues to expand FranFund’s SBA and conventional lending systems. By utilizing a franchise-specific preapproval tool and cultivating an extensive network of top-rated franchise and small business lenders, Shay has helped FranFund achieve a loan approval rate of 99%. www.franfund.com

Dan Pace
Funding Expert
Dan Pace is co-founder of First Financial Leasing & Finance and has over 30-years in the lending industry. He has a true passion for entrepreneurship and helping others achieve their dreams of business ownership. Dan and First Financial cut their teeth in the leasing space but now offer a full range of lending products including SBA, Rollover, Commercial Real Estate and Working Capital loans. For more information on franchise lending options, please contact info@ffcash.net, or visit ffcash.net.

Jason Power
Franchise Attorney
Jason has been practicing franchise law for the past decade. He has represented hundreds of franchisees in performing due diligence before buying into a franchise. Jason is a partner at Barber Power Law Group in Charlotte, North Carolina. The firm exclusively practices franchise law and represents franchisors and franchisees all over the world. www.franchise.law

Jerry Rieder
Franchise Consultant Training and Development Expert
Jerry has been a franchise consultant since 2012. He became part of the FranServe Training and Development Team in 2013 and has helped a large number of consultants become successful. His compassion and desire to see others achieve drives him to share his techniques and Best Practices with new and experienced consultants alike. He serves as a Trainer, a Mentor, and also as a Facilitator for FranServe’s Power Teams. His prior 25+ years of management experience with Fortune 500 Companies provides the foundation for aiding others to achieve their goals. www.franserve.com

Sherri Seiber
Funding Expert
Sherri is the Chief Operating Officer for FranFund. She and her team are passionate about designing flexible funding plans that help new and experienced business owners fund their franchises. www.franfund.com

Timothy A. Seiber, CFE
Funding Expert
Tim Seiber is the Director of Franchisor Relations at FranFund, Inc. His passion is helping franchisors understand the funding options available to their systems and how to approach educating their franchisees on financing programs. Prior to joining FranFund, Tim was an Associate Editor of The Coleman Report. As part of a family with a long history in franchising, he has an intimate knowledge of the franchise and small business space. www.franfund.com

Diane Rosenkrantz
Funding Expert
Diane Rosenkrantz has been a Senior Consultant with Tenet Financial Group for more than a decade, specializing in 401(k) Rollovers, SBA Loans, Unsecured Lines of Credit and more. Her career includes 30+ years in consulting, customer service and the pension/insurance industries. Diane can be reached at diane@tenetfinancialgroup.com and 413-754-3298.

Tom Spadea
Franchise Attorney
Tom Spadea is a franchise attorney and founding partner of Spadea Lignana, one of the nation’s premier franchise law firms representing over 250 brands worldwide from emerging concepts to elite brands that are household names. Tom is a Certified Franchise Executive, speaker, author and key advisor to many high level executives and entrepreneurs in franchising. Visit www.spadealaw.com or reach out to Tom directly at tspadea@spadealaw.com.

Charlotte Wagner
Brand Manager
Charlotte Wagner is a brand manager at Raintree overseeing consultant education. Her passion for changing lives through business ownership and developing new franchise concepts is apparent in her consistent, timely communication with franchise consultants while providing them with any tools they need to present successfully. She holds a Masters in Marketing with a focus on Brand Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. raintreesales.com/

Matt Wiggins
VetFran Coordinator
Matt Wiggins is the VetFran Coordinator for the IFA Foundation. VetFran has a nearly 30-year history of success with helping veterans find success in entrepreneurship through franchise ownership. Matt has traveled the country to meet with veterans face-to-face and share his insights into the world of franchising, delivering workshops and seminars to hundreds of interested service members. His experience as the member of a military family has fueled his resolve to ensure that the franchise community does its part to give back to those who have served. www.vetfran.org

Ashley Thomas, CFE
Insurance Expert
Ashley Thomas, CFE, is a licensed insurance expert who specializes in working with franchise owners at Gallagher Franchise Solutions. With a national practice that spans throughout the U.S. and into Canada, Ashley have a deep understanding of the specific risks associated with franchisees and franchisors. When it comes to small-business risk, she’s seen it all. www.franinsurance.com

Charlotte Wagner
Brand Manager
Charlotte Wagner is a brand manager at Raintree overseeing consultant education. Her passion for changing lives through business ownership and developing new franchise concepts is apparent in her consistent, timely communication with franchise consultants while providing them with any tools they need to present successfully. She holds a Masters in Marketing with a focus on Brand Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. raintreesales.com/

Sherrie Wehner
Brand and Marketing Strategist
Sherrie Wehner is a leading brand and marketing strategist, having created several successful retail and B2B brands throughout North America and Europe. As Principal and Chief Strategist for Wehner Marketing Group, she works with franchisors and franchisees to help them create successful revenue-generating strategies. www.franinsurance.com

Matt Wiggins
VetFran Coordinator
Matt Wiggins is the VetFran Coordinator for the IFA Foundation. As the leader of the revered VetFran program, Matt works to connect our nation’s former service members to their next chapter in small business ownership. VetFran has a nearly 30-year history of success with helping veterans to find success in entrepreneurship through franchise businesses. Matt has traveled the country to meet with veterans face-to-face and share his insights into the world of franchising, delivering workshops and seminars to hundreds of interested service members. Matt launched VetFran’s nationwide ambassador network, aiding in fostering a connection between successful veteran franchisees and those aspirational to become business owners. His experience as the member of a military family has fueled his resolve to ensure that the franchise community does its part to give back to those who have served. www.vetfran.org

Dawn Abbamondi
Development & Marketing Expert
Working with SMB’s franchisor clients, Dawn leads the areas of marketing, social media, public relations, web development and lead generation as well as contributing to organization and operations process development. With over 20 years in the franchising industry, she has managed brand acquisitions for expansion into new markets, which involved brand integration and re-imaging. She has led marketing initiatives for systems from 35 units to 1000 units. www.smbfranchising.com

Don Clayton
Franchise Consultant Acquisition Specialist
Don Clayton has spent more than 17 years helping others achieve their dream of business ownership. Starting as a franchise consultant for FranServe in 2012, he quickly became a top producer. His passion for the business led Don to the position of VP of Talent Acquisition, where he is committed to recruiting qualified candidates who are likely to succeed. www.franserve.com

Pamela Currie
Franchise Consultant
Pamela Currie has 20+ years in franchising. As a Certified Franchise Consultant, Pamela enjoys educating and helping individuals be effective in selecting a franchise. Pamela enjoys being a resource and partner on finding a franchise that aligns with one’s lifestyle, budget, skill set, and personal and professional goals. Free Consultation: contact Pamela Currie at Pam@FranchiseIntellect.com.

Lisa Davenport
Content Coordinator
Lisa Davenport is content coordinator for Freedom Service Dogs of America in Englewood, CO. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Englewood, CO, that transforms dogs into life-changing service dogs for veterans, children, and other adults with disabilities. Lisa has specialized in marketing and writing for animal welfare organizations, real estate companies, and franchise businesses. Contact FSD for more information on how you can make a difference with Freedom Service Dogs of America. www.freedomservicedogs.org

Nancy Friedman
Customer Service Expert
Nancy is also known as “The Telephone Doctor” is a popular speaker on customer service, communications, sales, phone skills and etiquette at franchise and corporate events. She is available for interviews, podcasts and onsite training. www.telephonedoctor.com

Lana Mazin
Franchise Development
Lana Mazin has worked at Raintree, a franchise development organization, for almost four years. By overseeing and evaluating numerous franchise concepts, Lana prides herself on helping franchise consultants determine the best options to present to their clients. She holds a Masters in Marketing with a focus on Brand Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. raintreesales.com

Jack Monson
Social Media and Marketing Expert
Jack Monson is the host of the Social Geek Radio Network, home of the number one podcasts in Franchising including The Franchise News Podcast and The Facebook Franchise Podcast. Jack is also the Chief Revenue Officer at Social Joey and has been working with franchisees and small businesses in social media marketing for 13 years.

Dan Pace
Funding Expert
Dan Pace is co-founder of First Financial Leasing & Finance and has over 30-years in the lending industry. He has a true passion for entrepreneurship and helping others achieve their dreams of business ownership. Dan and First Financial cut their teeth in the leasing space but now offer a full range of lending products including SBA, Rollover, Commercial Real Estate and Working Capital loans. For more information on franchise lending options, please contact info@ffcash.net, or visit ffcash.net.

Diane Rosenkrantz
Funding Expert
Diane Rosenkrantz has been a Senior Consultant with Tenet Financial Group for more than a decade, specializing in 401(k) Rollovers, SBA Loans, Unsecured Lines of Credit and more. Her career includes 30+ years in consulting, customer service and the pension/insurance industries. Diane can be reached at diane@tenetfinancialgroup.com and 413-754-3298.

Tom Spadea
Franchise Attorney
Tom Spadea is a franchise attorney and founding partner of Spadea Lignana, one of the nation’s premier franchise law firms representing over 250 brands worldwide from emerging concepts to elite brands that are household names. Tom is a Certified Franchise Executive, speaker, author and key advisor to many high level executives and entrepreneurs in franchising. Visit www.spadealaw.com or reach out to Tom directly at tspadea@spadealaw.com.

Charlotte Wagner
Brand Manager
Charlotte Wagner is a brand manager at Raintree overseeing consultant education. Her passion for changing lives through business ownership and developing new franchise concepts is apparent in her consistent, timely communication with franchise consultants while providing them with any tools they need to present successfully. She holds a Masters in Marketing with a focus on Brand Development from the University of Colorado, Denver. raintreesales.com

Matt Wiggins
VetFran Coordinator
Matt Wiggins is the VetFran Coordinator for the IFA Foundation. VetFran has a nearly 30-year history of success with helping veterans find success in entrepreneurship through franchise ownership. Matt has traveled the country to meet with veterans face-to-face and share his insights into the world of franchising, delivering workshops and seminars to hundreds of interested service members. His experience as the member of a military family has fueled his resolve to ensure that the franchise community does its part to give back to those who have served. www.vetfran.org