Responsible franchising is a term being used more and more in 2024. In fact, California adopted a bill to go into effect in 2026 called SB 919 that requires franchise brokers/consultants, franchise organizations and the like to make certain disclosures when working with candidates. By Don Clayton
Responsible franchising is a term being used more and more in 2024. In fact, California adopted a bill to go into effect in 2026 called SB 919 that requires franchise brokers/consultants, franchise organizations and the like to make certain disclosures when working with candidates.
Alesia Visconti, CFE, CFC, CAFC, and President and CEO of FranServe, Inc. comments on the bill here, “This is a good thing. There is a lot of misinformation about this bill, but I believe it is good for Franchising and am happy the IFA is working to ensure the bill is fair and balanced. While I am never one for over regulations, I am for ethical behavior, accountability and transparency. I want the public to feel comfortable working with Franchise Consultants. Responsible Franchising is good for everyone: it leads to more people investing and owning a franchise and using franchise consultants to do so!”
Well said Madam President! This bill is only the beginning of the Responsible Franchising movement. It’s long overdue for the bad seeds to wash away and for the good seeds to grow, mature and flourish!
Franchise consulting can be a fun and very rewarding business for those who have a desire to help others and especially for those full of integrity and hold dear the ethics behind Responsible Franchising. Franchise consulting is a flexible work-from-home business. For many, it has been the perfect choice where they can change lives and change generations all without the restrictions of a territory! If you’d like to learn more, please email connect@franserve.com.
Don Clayton
Don Clayton has spent more than 18 years helping others achieve their dream of business ownership – starting as a business broker in 2002 and then as a franchise consultant for FranServe in 2012. His passion for the business led Clayton to the position of Chief Talent Officer, where he is committed to recruiting qualified candidates who are likely to succeed as FranServe Certified Consultants. franserve.com, connect@franserve.com