certified franchise consultants

28 02, 2025

Worry vs. Regret

2025-02-28T17:21:17-05:00February 28th, 2025|Tags: , , , , |

FranServe’s Certified Franchise Consultants help their candidates understand the difference between worry and regret. Worry is focused on the future of which you have no control. Regret is when the future is here and you’re sad and loathing in regret of decisions never made. By Don Clayton


31 07, 2024


2024-07-31T20:25:33-04:00July 31st, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Back when I was learning to drive in the late 1980s, to get from your starting point to your destination, you needed a road map. You could only get road maps at gas stations. Once obtaining a road map, you had to go through the process of unfolding it and reading all the fine print, hoping it was the latest edition. Talk about taking your eyes off the road! By Don Clayton


28 02, 2022

What the Heck is a Franchise Consultant? The Compass

2022-02-28T20:15:25-05:00February 28th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

With so many options, from absentee, semi-absentee, home based, brick-n-mortar, employees, no employees, and more, certified franchise consultants (CFC) help people navigate their way through the journey of business ownership through franchising. By Don Clayton


30 06, 2021

Analysis Paralysis

2021-06-30T21:08:28-04:00June 30th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Analysis paralysis is real. It’s the Kryptonite to entrepreneurship. Don’t fall victim. We don’t live in a perfect world; therefore, no business model is perfect. If one lays out the pros and cons side by side and the pros have an 80% advantage or higher, one should probably move forward! By Don Clayton


31 03, 2021

FranServe Thrives During the Pandemic by Helping Others Succeed

2021-03-31T13:49:51-04:00March 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

It’s been a full year since the global pandemic altered the way the world works – social distancing, Plexiglass partitions and Zoom meetings now seem to be a “normal” part of life, affecting all aspects of both our personal and professional existence. By Jessica Jones


27 02, 2021

FranServe Pairs Entrepreneurs With Pandemic-Resistant Franchises

2021-02-27T22:12:14-05:00February 27th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

As this March marks one year since the COVID-19 pandemic swept the U.S., some franchises have not only survived, but also thrived, despite these troubling times. No one knows this better than Alesia Visconti, president and CEO of FranServe Inc., the world’s largest consulting and expansion organization. By Alesia Visconti


31 10, 2020

Listen & Observe

2020-10-31T17:39:16-04:00October 31st, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , |

As Certified Franchise Consultants we listen and observe first, then plan. We work with individuals all over this great planet to become entrepreneurs through franchise ownership. Every Individual with whom we consult has different environments, backgrounds, lifestyle preferences, and investment levels. Therefore, it’s critical to listen more, speak less and plan accordingly. By Don Clayton
