Shop Talk February 2021

31 01, 2021

Franchise Business Radio: Financial Jargon and Tax Benefits

2021-01-31T11:52:44-05:00January 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

John Quattrocchi, owns a CPA practice and offers end-to-end accounting and tax services to franchisors and franchisees. Quattrocchi was interviewed by Franchise Business Radio Host and Certified Franchise Consultant Pamela Currie, and explains financial terms and tax advantages for business owners.


31 01, 2021

Progress Over Perfection

2021-01-31T11:34:39-05:00January 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Striving for perfection is good but waiting to proceed until perfection is achieved is unnecessary. Sue Derene, FranServe Affiliate and Certified Franchise Consultant (CFC) puts it this way: “There’s no perfect time to go into business for yourself, but starting the process is progress!” By Don Clayton


31 01, 2021

The Official Music Genre of Franchising: Jazz

2021-01-31T11:27:12-05:00January 31st, 2021|Tags: , , |

I recently launched Season 12 of Social Geek Radio and thought perhaps it was time to update the podcast’s theme song. We had been using a Bach classical piece for the piano in an attempt to go a bit highbrow after using some real funky classic rock beats for the first few years. By Jack Monson


31 01, 2021

Succe$$ Tips: Why Being an Entrepreneur Is Like Being a Science-Fiction Writer

2021-01-31T11:14:21-05:00January 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

There are many types of writers and many genres as well. Fiction, nonfiction, biographical, educational, technical, etc. In my opinion, however, the most difficult genre of writing is that of science fiction. Why is that? Well, the writer must write about things that don’t exist. By Alesia Visconti
