Features June 2021

31 05, 2021

HomeVestors®: Real-Estate Specialists Who Think Outside the Box

2021-05-31T13:02:21-04:00May 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Anyone who has made a real-estate transaction knows that the process can be complicated and take a great deal of education to navigate the system. A seller who requires the prompt sale of a house or has hurdles, such as extensive home repairs, may find themselves in a problematic situation. With its years of extensive experience, HomeVestors® helps sellers find solutions to many real-estate dilemmas. By Elice Morgenson


31 05, 2021

Network In Action: Networking Brings Like-Minded Professionals Together

2021-06-03T10:04:54-04:00May 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Networking remains the most effective and substantial method of business development and marketing. For many of us, the success of our career depends on our ability to create an exceptional group of professional relationships. Network In Action (NIA) takes the concept of networking and creates a modern version that fits fast-paced lifestyles and strengthens the community it touches. By Elice Morgenson


31 05, 2021

Boulder Designs: A Path to Success that’s Etched in Stone

2021-05-31T11:46:41-04:00May 31st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

The Boulder Designs franchise produces unbelievable boulders with custom engraving and illumination that is second to none. It is the industry leader in customized stone production, and it’s the customers’ rave reviews that prove it. By Lizzy Yeserski
