Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Build it and they will come.” Certified Franchise Consultants (CFCs) are well-trained in the skills of building a profitable business in which they help others make wise decisions when investing in a franchise. By Don Clayton
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Build it and they will come.” Certified Franchise Consultants (CFCs) are well-trained in the skills of building a profitable business in which they help others make wise decisions when investing in a franchise. Most people have no idea a franchise consultant even exists, much less offers completely free advice!
Why wouldn’t they come? Why wouldn’t someone looking to make a life-changing decision while making a significant monetary investment seek the advice of a true franchise professional like a FranServe Certified Franchise Consultant? A successful franchise consulting business is simply in the business of changing lives every day through franchise ownership.
There’s no charge to the investor, as franchise consultants are compensated by our franchise partners. Helping others avoid costly mistakes while fulfilling a life-altering dream is not something franchise consultants take lightly. The training one goes through to achieve the CFC and CAFC (Certified Advanced Franchise Consultant – a FranServe exclusive) designation is one of impressive nature.
Perhaps franchise consulting could be for you? Can you see yourself building an exciting consulting business? Franchise consulting is a flexible work-from-home business. For many, it’s the perfect choice, where they can change lives and change generations all without the restrictions of a territory! If you’d like to learn more, please email connect@franserve.com.
Don Clayton
Don Clayton has spent more than 18 years helping others achieve their dream of business ownership – starting as a business broker in 2002 and then as a franchise consultant for FranServe in 2012. His passion for the business led Clayton to the position of VP of talent acquisition, where he is committed to recruiting qualified candidates who are likely to succeed as FranServe Certified Consultants. franserve.com, connect@franserve.com