I might be dating myself by recalling the anti-drug ads from the ‘80s and trying to relate them to franchising. The relevancy in my mind comes from the fact that restraint and saying no to something that feels good in the near term but will cause long term pain is much easier said than done. By Don Clayton

What the Heck is a Franchise Consultant?

Wisdom comes from a multitude of counselors. Smart investors choose to work with Certified Franchise Consultants (CFCs) outside their own circle of influence in order to learn different perspectives and angles regarding the current climate of franchising. Owning a franchise may be the best solution for you and your family.

As our world changed about six months ago, CFCs have worked on educating their clients about the reality of the current situation. A quote by CS Lewis from 72 years ago is a good summation of the type of advice one would receive from a CFC. Replace “Atomic Bomb” with “COVID-19”. Here’s part of the quote, “In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. How are we going to live in an atomic age? I’m tempted to reply, why? Perhaps as you were already living in an age of cancer, syphilis, paralysis, air raids, railway accidents, and motor accidents. In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation!”

That quote was from 1948. How did we survive? Not to mention all the things that have occurred since 1948 like the polio pandemic, presidential assassinations, more wars, death, 9/11, 2008/09 housing crises, etc. How do we keep surviving? Simple answer: entrepreneurship.

CFC Brad Brenner offers his comments on the current realities: “Fear is natural and change can be scary, but if not now, when? Approach your decision rationally, detailing pros and cons on paper, like Ben Franklin. I’d be more afraid of losing out on the benefits of change and waking up in the exact same role in one year or worse two!”

Working with a CFC can make all the difference in the world. It can be the difference in your dreams coming true or not, the difference in believing in the wrong things and listening to the wrong people or not. Get a different perspective about becoming an entrepreneur and taking control of your future through franchise ownership. FranServe can help you connect with a CFC and help you explore franchise opportunities.

– Don Clayton

Don Clayton has spent more than 18 years helping others achieve their dream of business ownership – starting as a business broker in 2002 and then as a franchise consultant for FranServe in 2012. His passion for the business led Don to the position of VP of Talent Acquisition, where he is committed to recruiting qualified candidates who are likely to succeed as FranServe certified consultants. For more information on franchise consulting, please contact connect@franserve.com or visit franserve.com.