Most folks like their name and like it spelled and pronounced right. Using a name throughout the conversation in person or on the phone is a good thing to practice. By Nancy Friedman
M-N-O: Continuing the Alphabet of sales
Continuing this month with the Alphabet of Sales.
Monogram the call. Most folks like their name and like it spelled and pronounced right. Using a name throughout the conversation in person or on the phone is a good thing to practice. However, don’t overuse their name. Don’t guess on pronunciation. It’s key to ask. Something like: “I sure don’t want to mispronounce your name, please share with me the correct way to say it.” Bottom line: Know the name? Use the name!
“No” at the start of a sentence. It’s one of the easiest words to say at the start of any sentence and the most difficult to change. Changing it from a negative to a positive makes a world of difference. Questions like: “Do you want to go to lunch?” will often get you a ‘no’ at the start of an answer. Starting a sentence with the word “no” is perceived as rude and cold. Let me give you an answer that has you coming out looking like a hero. “Hi Rose, do you want to go to lunch?” Answer: “I wish I could Nancy. I’m working on a deadline.” “I wish I could” normally eases most folks, versus getting the ultimate negative “no.”
One-word answers. If you got through third grade, you know three words make a sentence. So why do so many people use one-word answers? Yes – No – Ok – Fine, etc. Most people perceive one-word answers as being rude, cold and uncaring. It only takes a few extra words to turn one word into a sentence. Example: Instead of saying “Right,” say, “Mrs. Smith, that’s exactly right.” Instead of “Monday,” try using “You can expect your delivery on Monday.” There is no cost for the extra words. Use them freely.
P, Q and R will be next month.
Nancy Friedman, the founder and chairman of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, is a popular keynote customer service speaker at franchise, corporate meetings, and conferences around the country. She is now offering and specializing in VIRTUAL ZOOM programs and her fun WEBINARS. nancyfriedman.com, nancy@telephonedoctor.com, 314-291-1012.