In the world of the Alphabet of Sales, we continue this month with J – K – L. By Nancy Friedman
In the world of the Alphabet of Sales, we continue this month with J – K – L.
Jerry’s Pet Peeve. Don’t approve a negative. There is no value in saying “Ok” to a customer when they’ve just handed you a complaint. Sadly, that happens frequently and yet so many people continue to do that. When somebody says they have a complaint, statements like “Oh, ok” are useless and are 100% negative. It’s much better to use full sentences such as, “I’m so sorry to hear that. How can I help you?” So much better than, “Oh, ok.” Don’t cement a negative! Get details by asking questions.
Know Your Objective! In talking with a customer, knowing their, and your, objective will help you help them. Plot out your objectives before making any phone call. And when taking a call from the customer, follow their own objective by jotting their comments down.
Listening Skills. Most people can hear, but so many do not listen. Their minds are somewhere else. Writing as people talk will help you listen better. While taking notes, repeat short little phrases which will make the caller feel you are really listening. You will be able to refer to the notes throughout the conversation to assure them you have been listening.
Next month will bring M, N and O.
Nancy Friedman, the founder and chairman of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, is a popular keynote customer service speaker at franchise, corporate meetings, and conferences around the country. She is now offering and specializing in VIRTUAL ZOOM programs and her fun WEBINARS. nancyfriedman.com, nancy@telephonedoctor.com, 314-291-1012.