SAFE HOMECARE® Has The Single Most Extensive Marketing And Referral Network In History
MIAMI — Virtually all of the world’s seven billion people, in over 100 languages worldwide, are saying the same thing to all their family, friends and acquaintances, several times each and every day . . . “BE SAFE.”
Today SAFE HOMECARE, a leading in-home senior care provider which offers franchises throughout the United States, announces the availability of low investment franchise opportunities.
SAFE HOMECARE, a non-medical senior care provider since 2014 began selectively franchising in 2016. SAFE . . . is a fully functioning “essential business” that is everyday supporting the exploding needs of America. SAFE has been there for its clients the entire span of the COVID-19 outbreak, caring for the elderly, the most vulnerable and highest risk individuals, in the safety and security of their own homes, helping its clients to BE SAFE.
SAFE HOMECARE is positioned in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME, offering a low investment franchise opportunity, with substantial upside, even, or especially, in this tumultuous economic environment.
Responding to the current economic landscape, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is currently offering a 6 month deferred payment program. The SBA has an “Express Loan” program that makes up to $150,000 available in a few short weeks with pre-approval in a matter of days. SAFE HOMECARE is an SBA approved opportunity with prime territories available across the country.

Visit us at to learn more.
(855) 953-SAFE (7233) or email us at
Franchise territories are available.