
26 12, 2022

HomeVestors: Never Fear: The normalization of the real estate market has little effect

2022-12-26T11:52:59-05:00December 26th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Alan Washer has been a Chicago-based HomeVestors® of America franchisee for over 20 years. Washer’s years of experience have helped him identify trends in the investment real estate industry, and this insight has helped him build success with HomeVestors, even during today’s tumultuous market. By Heidi Lubrani


29 11, 2022

HomeVestors: When Training Is Your Best Investment

2022-11-29T20:47:07-05:00November 29th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

For the past 10 years, Ronny Vann has been a development agent and operations trainer at HomeVestors® of America. He is one of HomeVestors’ elite “secret weapons,” specializing in preparing the brand’s newest franchisees for success in a business that must continually adapt to its changing market. By Heidi Lubrani


30 10, 2022

HomeVestors: A Franchise With Heart

2022-10-30T16:05:11-04:00October 30th, 2022|Tags: , |

Sometimes, real estate companies are seen as sharks; they are aggressive toward other agents and ready to pounce on the next buyer to make a sale. When April Nealey, who has years of experience in the retail real estate market and owned a property management company, learned about HomeVestors® of America, Inc., she changed course and set out on a new journey. By Heidi Lubrani


30 03, 2022

HomeVestors: A Day in the Life of a Franchisee

2022-03-30T10:44:41-04:00March 30th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

When Eric Cross became a HomeVestors of America franchisee, he knew it would be everything it was chalked up to be. A close friend of his, Scott Sekulow, would often share the leverage that HomeVestors gave him to convince Cross to make a difference in his career and life. By Brianna Bohn


1 11, 2021

HomeVestors: A Career With The Power To Change Lives

2021-11-01T03:38:07-04:00November 1st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

HomeVestors® property specialists are in the position to bring hope to sellers who have felt like they have had nowhere else to turn. HomeVestors is a national network of real-estate investors who buy homes that are not viable for the regular real-estate market. By Elice Morgenson
