Want to move your business forward this year? This may be the year to look backward. Nostalgia marketing is tapping into powerful emotions and sentiments that customers associate with positive experiences from their own past. By Jack Monson

Want to move your business forward this year? This may be the year to look backward.

Nostalgia marketing is tapping into powerful emotions and sentiments that customers associate with positive experiences from their own past.

The nation’s biggest brands are currently hitting consumers with a heavy dose of nostalgia. Pizza Hut is making us remember the 1980s and ‘90s dining rooms complete with video games and classic rock on the jukebox. Burger King is reusing its ‘70s era logos, colors and design. And McDonald’s is going all-in on its “new/old” concept, CosMc’s which is based on a retro character and themes.

Nostalgia marketing works because it plays on deep-seated emotions, memories and cultural influences, creating a connection between consumers and brands that goes beyond the immediate features of a product. It allows marketers to tap into a reservoir of positive feelings associated with the past to influence consumer behavior and build brand loyalty.

Nostalgia also provides a sense of comfort and familiarity. Consumers often seek products or experiences that remind them of simpler, happier times. This looks like it will be a rocky year with divisive politics, economic uncertainty and strife in the cities. Your customers may want to set the time machine for the ‘80s or another retro decade.

So how can your brand or small business cash in on this trend? If your brand has a history, consider reintroducing or reviving classic products, packaging or designs. This can evoke a sense of familiarity among existing customers while attracting the attention of new ones. Ensure that the nostalgic elements align with your brand identity and resonate with your audience.

So order up a personal pan pizza with sausage and give me some quarters for the Ms Pac-Man machine. Let’s get ready to tell some old stories…or make up some new “old stories”.

Jack Monson

Jack Monson is the host of Social Geek, home of the No. 1 podcasts in franchising and the CEO of Brand Journalists. He has been working with franchises brands and small businesses in marketing for 15 years. socialgeekradio.com