Hofbräuhaus of America is already kicking off 2020 with fun-filled, festive events planned throughout the year, keeping customers coming back not only for its authentic German cuisine, but also for the lively dining atmosphere that has been a cornerstone of the Hofbräuhaus brand. By Rochelle Miller
The holiday season may be over, but Hofbräuhaus of America is already kicking off 2020 with fun-filled, festive events planned throughout the year. Such celebrations keep customers coming back not only for its authentic German cuisine, but also for the lively dining atmosphere that has been a cornerstone of the Hofbräuhaus brand.
The highlight of the year, of course, is the Oktoberfest celebration which is modeled after the world-famous beer festival in Munich. Featuring keg-tappings, food specials, and live entertainment, Oktoberfest at Hofbräuhaus’ U.S. brings a showcase of genuine German and Bavarian traditions to the U.S.
Other culturally-themed events include Maifest, a festival centered around Maibock, one of Munich’s oldest beers. For pretzel lovers, there’s the National Pretzel Day festival typically held in April, which features the doughy Bavarian treats imported from Germany.
American holidays are also at the center of celebrations for Hofbräuhaus’ U.S. customers, with custom menus and seasonal specials offered on Thanksgiving, Halloween, and St. Patrick’s Day. Of course, Christmas, Easter, and New Years’ holidays are open for business as well to ease the burden of holiday cooking.
Furthermore, in any given season, Hofbräuhaus’ through-out the U.S. host viewing parties for sporting events in the states and abroad. It’s a popular venue for Superbowl Sunday, March Madness, and World Cup celebrations. Local restaurant locations also tailor special theme nights dedicated to area colleges that build a sense of community.
Regardless of the occasion, brand-tailored events are advantageous for Hofbräuhaus U.S. restaurant owners, since they attract new customers and keep regulars returning. This translates into increased revenue for Hofbräuhaus’ U.S. franchisees, and that is certainly something to celebrate.
For more information about franchising opportunities with Hofbräuhaus America, visit http://www.hofbrauhaus.us/franchise, or call 702-389-3996.
– Rochelle Miller