It appears most of us are familiar with the basics of customer service tips. Say please, say thank you, don’t use ‘no problem’ to replace ‘you’re welcome,’ smile, and the list goes on. I certainly encourage everyone to go back to the basics. They’re always great refreshers and won’t ever go out of style. By Nancy Friedman
It appears most of us are familiar with the basics of customer service tips.
Say please, say thank you, don’t use ‘no problem’ to replace ‘you’re welcome,’ smile, and the list goes on. I certainly encourage everyone to go back to the basics. They’re always great refreshers and won’t ever go out of style.
However, there are a few ‘forgotten’ customer service tips that I’m going to bring up to the forefront, and if you’ve been using these ‘forgotten’ tips, good for you. If you can say, “Hey, that’s a good one. I forgot about that one.” Good for you too.
- Say something nice to someone every day. You don’t even need to know them or know them well. I’ve stopped little old white-haired ladies who I know got dressed up to go out. I stop them and let them know how very nice they look. The smile they reward me with speaks volumes. And while I’ve probably made their day, their thank you smile sure makes mine. Is this a customer service tip? YES! You never know who you’re going to help. You never know when you say or do something nice ‘just because it will help you. And a compliment to those you know is an excellent customer service tip as well. It’s not done enough.
- Here’s one customer service tip that helps. If you happen to be sending something via mail, UPS, FedEx, or however, include some sort of note with it. Even if it’s only a Post-it note with a short message, don’t let a package from you go out without a note to the recipient. It doesn’t need to be long; it only needs to say something that will brighten their day. Even a smiley face helps. And anything more than that is a plus.
There are more Forgotten Customer Tips coming soon.
Nancy Friedman
Nancy Friedman, the founder and chairman of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, is a popular keynote customer service speaker at franchise, corporate meetings, and conferences around the country. She is now offering and specializing in VIRTUAL ZOOM programs and her fun WEBINARS. nancyfriedman.com, nancy@telephonedoctor.com, 314-291-1012.