A while back we surveyed a group of folks on how they felt about getting bad customer service. We found 7 common threads. We labeled them the 7 Consequences of Bad Customer Service. By Nancy Friedman
A while back we surveyed a group of folks on how they felt about getting bad customer service. We found 7 common threads. We labeled them the 7 Consequences of Bad Customer Service. Here are the results:
1. They’re Grateful for the Chance to Vent
Customers are always grateful for the opportunity to tell others how they were mistreated. It’s pretty much cathartic.
2. Tomorrow’s Joke
Many people joke to vent their frustration about their bad customer service experience and tell these “jokes” about it to pretty much anyone who will listen!
3. The Memory of an Elephant
Customers don’t often forget. Lots of people quote the time elapsed since the unfortunate incident. We had letters telling us: “This happened 20 years ago and I can recall everything that happened.” Bad customer service leaves a bad taste.
4. “You’re not going to believe this!”
Those abused by poor customer service never accept the fact that it happened. They remain shocked, continue to agonize and repeat the conflict. Each story was an: “OMG, I cannot believe she said that to me,” or “I cannot believe that just happened” – as though they were in shock.
5. No Return, No Deposit
Rarely does a complaining customer indicate that he or she would return to an offending store. Most folks feel there is always another place to take their business.
6. Free Advertising – The Kind You Don’t Want
Customers will tell their family members, friends, and co-workers about a bad customer service incident. Even strangers in an elevator have spoken up loud and clear to others.
7. Hell Hath No Fury Like A Customer Scorned
All the consequences of bad customer service could be summed up in this simple phrase: Hell hath no fury like a customer scorned.
Nancy Friedman
Nancy Friedman, the founder and chairman of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, is a popular keynote customer service speaker at franchise, corporate meetings and conferences around the country. She is now offering and specializing in Zoom programs and her fun webinars. nancyfriedman.com, nancy@telephonedoctor.com, 314-291-1012.