Continuing the alphabet of sales: Moving on with P–Q–R.
Moving on with P–Q–R in the Alphabet of Sales.
Practice Being Positive. It’s too hot. I’m so tired. I’m glad it’s almost 5:00. No one wants to hear these complaints. To maintain a positive attitude both in your professional and personal life, you need to think and speak positively. The mentality of Telephone Doctor is start every sentence with a positive. When people
hear negative comments, it brings them down. If someone asks,
“How’s it going today?” and business is slow or you’re not happy in your job, all you need to say is, “Fine thank you. I hope you’re doing well.” Practice being positive.
Qualifying. The most basic principle in selling is to sell the person who can buy. There’s lots of people who could say “No” or “I’ll take this information to the boss.” Only a few can say “Yes” all by themselves. In sales, you ideally want to start with the decision maker, the person who can say yes. Here’s a great way to find out the pecking order.
“Let’s say this is the right fit for you Mr. Jones. Who else is involved in the ordering process?” or “Most of my clients have several people involved in the purchasing decision. Who else do we need to include and impress in this process?”
By expecting others to be involved we make it easy and natural for your prospects to give you more information.
Rejection. It’s never pleasant to be rejected, especially when putting forth your time and effort to make a sale. How do you keep from taking rejections personally? First, realize when you get a rejection the customer is usually rejecting one of these factors – the offer, company, product, price, or timing. Did you notice not one of these rejection factors is you? Keep your setbacks in perspective. Don’t take rejection in sales personally.
S, T and U coming next month.
Nancy Friedman
Nancy Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, is a popular customer service & sales speaker at franchise, corporate meetings, and conferences around the country. She is now offering and specializing in VIRTUAL ZOOM programs and her fun WEBINARS. nancyfriedman.com, nancy@telephonedoctor.com, 314-291-1012.