Hawaii Fluid Art: Painting a Rosy Picture for the Future

Maya Ratcliff was toying with acrylic paints at her home in Hawaii one afternoon in 2020, when she added some water to drying paint bottles and poured it onto paper. By Patty Horansky
Maya Ratcliff was toying with acrylic paints at her home in Hawaii one afternoon in 2020, when she added some water to drying paint bottles and poured it onto paper. By Patty Horansky
Schooley Mitchell is the largest independent cost-cutting consulting firm in the U.S. and Canada. It offers a low point of entry for those with executive, management, sales, marketing or consulting backgrounds who may be looking to exit the corporate world or simply be their own boss. By Patty Horansky
When aspiring entrepreneurs take the leap into business ownership, they can find the franchise process daunting. To facilitate the ownership process, Lapels Cleaners has created several business models that fit every background and financial situation. By Elice Morgenson