Thanks to franchising, beer lovers don’t have to cross the Atlantic for the experience anymore. By Rochelle Miller
For centuries, customers from all over the world have been swarming to the Hofbräuhaus in Munich for the festive atmosphere and the famous German Hofbräu beer. Thanks to franchising, beer lovers don’t have to cross the Atlantic for the experience anymore. No Oktoberfest celebration or Bavarian beer garden experience would be complete without holding a stein of Hofbräu beer in your hand.
Since launching the franchise of their famous German restaurants in North America, Hofbräuhaus keeps customers coming back for its famous beer served to perfection in its classic 34-ounce stein. The traditional beer mug, named Masskrug (based on the German word for measure), bears the blue, gold and red HB oval logo that has become recognizable throughout the world.
“No drinking vessel represents the Hofbräuhaus drinking culture better than the 1-liter Masskrug,” explains Celina Rieger Horsley, a spokeswoman for Hofbräuhaus America.
When full, the Masskrug weighs over five pounds. It’s impressive to watch the waitresses and waiters at the Hofbräuhaus franchises stem and carry multiples of them to the tables. The Masskrug is even featured in “steinholding” championships (known as Masskrugstemmen in Germany), in which competitors vie for the title of who can hold up a Masskrug the longest.
The Masskrug also helps keep costs under control, as each glass bears a fill line that takes the guesswork out of a perfect pour. The proprietary glass is engineered to optimize the brew’s temperature, and features etched dimples that not only make the glass sturdier but also create a sparkling effect for an enhanced drinking experience.
The 1-liter glass stein with the HB logo has cult status all over the world and a lot of guests at the Hofbräuhaus restaurants consider a picture with it as “a must” once they visit.
For more information about franchising opportunities with Hofbräuhaus America, visit hofbrauhaus.us/franchise or call 702-389-3996.
– Rochelle Miller