Building Relationships
Marketing your business at a local level
by Jessica Melendez
Certified Franchise Consultant
Relationships are the heart and soul of a business and crucial to its survival. In your community, you’ll have business relationships with customers, referral partners, employees, vendors, networking communities, financial institutions, cleaning crews, and more. The list can go on and on based on who comes in contact with your business in any way. These are two-way relationships with each party desiring to help each other achieve the highest level of success. No matter how big or small their role is, all of these relationships take part in building your empire, and these relationships need to be fed.
As an example, let’s examine how Dryer Vent Squad franchisees use relationship-building in their local marketing.
First it’s worth noting that I own Dryer Vent Squad along with entrepreneur Leo Goldberger. Our partnership began with a relationship we formed while working together in the franchise industry.
A pro at social media, Goldberger uses it to strengthen the Dryer Vent Squad brand. Social media is a great way to tell a brand’s story, form bonds, loyalty, and a network within your community. Followers tend to feel connected with you, and gain an inside look into your business. Our franchisees use social media to advertise, run promotions and post pictures of jobs, their crew and community events they attend.
A big part of our business-to-business (B2B) success has been in building relationships with referral partners such as hotel associations, apartment associations, property managers, appliance repair companies, and dryer retailers. All of these partners can refer business our way and, in turn, we can refer business to them or sponsor their events. These types of relationships are not one-sided—there’s give-and take and we work together to support each other.
Dryer Vent Squad franchisees partner with local fire departments to raise awareness about fire safety. Dryer fires are the leading cause of household fires and education on the dangers of clogged dryer vents is vital for saving lives and property. In this case, the relationship works because both parties have a vested interest in the safety of the community and its residents.
Relationships empower you to aggressively try new things that will help you and your business evolve and learn continuously. Take care of them and keep your eye out for opportunities to build new ones.
A trainer and mentor for FranServe, Inc., the world’s largest franchise consulting firm, and the CEO of WestStar Franchise Group, Jessica Melendez coaches and educates prospective franchise owners and helps them find businesses that align with their personal and professional ambitions. As a franchisor and president of Dryer Vent Squad, Melendez has first-hand experience in all aspects of franchising, which makes her an excellent resource for prospective franchisees. Contact Melendez at 915-202-8272, email Jessica@weststarfranchisegroup.com, or visit https://www.weststarfranchisegroup.com.