The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has held a significant place in the heart of Schooley Mitchell, an independent cost-reduction consulting firm, for a long time. For many years, employees at the corporate office have participated in fundraising events such as The Big Bike, Ride for Heart and the foundation’s annual walk. By Kelsi Trinidad

The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has held a significant place in the heart of Schooley Mitchell, an independent cost-reduction consulting firm, for a long time. For many years, employees at the corporate office have participated in fundraising events such as The Big Bike, Ride for Heart and the foundation’s annual walk. 

“It’s a cause that affects so many of us and our loved ones,” explained Post Audit Manager Pamila Kew.

This cause took on new meaning when one of Schooley Mitchell’s employees was impacted by a heart condition. Meagan Ellis was a beloved human resources specialist who worked at the corporate office. Known for her big smile and can-do attitude, even when she was experiencing heart issues in the summer of 2023, she continued to come to work. 

Ellis had registered to walk on the company’s team for the Heart and Stroke Walk event on June 2. However, she never arrived at work that morning or to the walk. Her managers immediately tried to get in contact with her and called her emergency contacts, but no one answered. Eventually, they had the police department do a wellness check on her at her home. The police found that she had succumbed to her heart ailment and passed away the night before. This year, her coworkers had a very personal reason for walking. 

“Instead of calling ourselves Team Schooley Mitchell, we decided to call ourselves Team Schooley Mitchell, Meagan’s Journey,” said Kew. “Our goal to fundraise this year was $2,500,
just because we had just hit that last year, and I’m so, so happy. We actually raised $4,150.
We exceeded our goal by 66% this year, and it just really proves that Meagan had left such a big impact on so many people’s lives.” 

Since her passing, Ellis’ memory has ignited a new sense of purpose for giving back throughout the entire Schooley Mitchell family.

Kelsi Trinidad