For anyone looking to gain a side hustle or find a permanent escape from the corporate world, Naturals2Go is the answer. A combination of advanced vending solutions and robust training and locating programs, Naturals2Go delivers a fully supported business opportunity. While satisfying customers across the U.S., Naturals2Go also fulfills the needs of entrepreneurs searching for the right venture. By Lizzy Yeserski

For anyone looking to gain a side hustle or find a permanent escape from the corporate world, Naturals2Go is the answer. A combination of advanced vending solutions and robust training and locating programs, Naturals2Go delivers a fully supported business opportunity. While satisfying customers across the U.S., Naturals2Go also fulfills the needs of entrepreneurs searching for the right venture.

Naturals2Go owner-operators are as unique as their snack choices. Jenny Walker of Layton, Utah, was seeking a business that coincided with her full-time job as head receptionist for a veterinary hospital where she’s worked for 22 years.

“I’ve become great friends with clients and animals, and I love it so much,” Walker said. 

However, Gary Mansell, Walker’s boyfriend of four years and a semi-trailer mechanic, has multiple sclerosis. With that in mind, the pair, who hope to marry soon, realized that they needed to better prepare for their future.

“Gary is tired of working for somebody and wants to be his own boss,” said Walker. “That’s where we decided to get into Naturals2Go, so we have a retirement-type situation.”

Walker and Mansell purchased four machines last October, placing one at a senior assisted living facility in February and another at Walker’s job. The couple agrees that the convenience and flexibility are unmatched, especially given the ease of ownership.

“We’re both excited and can’t wait for what’s in store. We hope to have 10 machines in two years,” Walker said. 

On the other side of the entrepreneurial street is Jim Kendall who was looking to trade in the corporate lifestyle, but the 2020 pandemic forced him to reevaluate.

“I had been in the energy business for 27 years and saw oil drop precipitously in 2020,” explained Kendall. “I’ve also seen it really high, and when you have that kind of variability, you start thinking: this is not the safest place to be towards retirement.”

Kendall began researching franchises and settled on Naturals2Go, starting with four machines in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “I immediately realized it was very scalable,” he said. “I built up to about 14 machines and merged with another company to grow faster. And, that’s why I started working with Naturals2Go full time in December of 2020, first as an operator and then as a success coach and account manager.”

Now at 60 machines and working as both owner-operator and an employee, Kendall marvels at the relationships he’s built.

“Because there’s a low barrier entry and low capital required, there is no prerequisite,” Kendall noted. “It’s not like you had to go to school for it. It doesn’t matter what your previous vocation was; you really can be anybody from any walk of life. I work with operators who are schoolteachers, military people, financial guys and people who want to make a legacy for their kids.”

Kendall believes that Naturals2Go’s supportive environment is a large factor in the team’s success. 

“It’s amazing to see so much dedication at every level,” he said. “At a big corporate job, you get a lot of policy. You don’t get a situation where people will bend over backward for each other. It’s a breath of fresh air.”

Lizzy Yeserski