Mr. Transmission®/Milex Complete Auto Care®, a member of Moran Family of Brands, specializes in automotive services ranging from oil changes, brakes, tune-up services, all diagnostics and repairs as well as transmission rebuilding and repairs. As a nationwide brand with a superior reputation, it offers a one-stop shop experience for customers and maintains a service philosophy based on relationships and trust. By Erika Ortega
Mr. Transmission®/Milex Complete Auto Care®, a member of Moran Family of Brands, specializes in automotive services ranging from oil changes, brakes, tune-up services, all diagnostics and repairs as well as transmission rebuilding and repairs. As a nationwide brand with a superior reputation, it offers a one-stop shop experience for customers and maintains a service philosophy based on relationships and trust.
Passionate about offering business ownership opportunities to veterans, Moran Family of Brands consists of 21% veteran-owned franchises.
“We continue to focus on recruiting veterans because we like the characteristics they possess,” explained President Pete Baldine. “We also have a strong focus on recruiting veterans as employees in our franchise locations in an effort to help them transition back into civilian life.”
One of the Mr. Transmission/Milex key goals is to positively impact more veterans by exposing them to a robust franchise system that could result in future business ownership. By offering veterans a 15% discount, or $6,750 off the franchise fee, and by working closely with lenders from the Small Business Administration to provide veteran-specific loan products, the brand helps facilitate the financing process for veteran candidates.
In 2023 and 2024, Moran Family of Brands welcomed seven new veteran franchisees, including Rob Nugent in Georgia, Rob Black in North Carolina, Becki Brandenberg in Texas and Damien Williams in South Carolina. It also celebrated veteran owners who achieved major milestones, such as Dean Bingham and Jimmy Mitchell, both of whom have been in the Moran Family of Brands franchise system for 50 years. George Kok in Kentucky recently celebrated his 37th anniversary.
As a VetFran committee member, Baldine continues to focus on enhancing veteran recruiting and improving onboarding on a larger scale. His involvement on the franchisor engagement committee within the VetFran program supports efforts to help reach, attract and educate veterans on the many benefits and opportunities of franchising.
“We have a very dedicated committee through the International Franchise Association composed of veterans as well as non-veterans who are committed to honoring the heroes that have served our country,” said Baldine.
Erika Ortega