With more than 80 industry categories, the world of franchising offers plenty of choices for potential franchisees. From food and beauty services to education, maintenance, travel and more, there is a wealth of opportunities to choose from. By Jessica Petrucelli
With more than 80 industry categories, the world of franchising offers plenty of choices for potential franchisees. From food and beauty services to education, maintenance, travel and more, there is a wealth of opportunities to choose from. But FranServe’s services are not limited to predetermined choices from that categorized list. The consulting organization also can aid in converting your small business into a bigger entity.
“As more millennials age into entrepreneurship and baby boomers dip into their retirement funds looking for sound investments, the demand for franchise opportunities is growing,” noted Alesia Visconti, CEO of FranServe, Inc., the largest franchise consulting and expansion organization in the world. ”As a result, more entrepreneurs feel confident in converting their small businesses into franchises to see their growth skyrocket.”
FranServe can help small businesses discover their untapped growth, converting a variety of personally owned ventures into bigger brands. And if you think your small business can be easily replicated for national distribution, here are a few tips to help start the process:
Take your time
This is not a process that happens overnight. Experts in this field will help you organize, develop a strategy, and walk you through every step. Marketing, training and overall operations policies are all things that need to be considered.
Don’t tackle it alone
True expert advice is crucial during the franchising process. FranServe can offer a wealth of resources for those just starting out.
Find the perfect match
It’s best to be selective when choosing franchisees – don’t just jump into a franchise agreement even if you are eager to get the process off the ground. FranServe works hard at matching you with potential franchisees. This is an important step that should not be rushed.
Protect your brand
Even though your goal is to replicate your brand, you never want to blur its identity. Set clear guidelines on how you want your business to be run, and make sure all those involved in the franchising process follow your rules.
Pay close attention to location
Location must make sense for your business to operate successfully. You may want to stick close to home at first, so that you can closely monitor your stores without adding on too many travel hours.
Keep an eye on the competition
Make sure the market is not already drenched in whatever product or service you are offering. Yours should have a unique property about it to make your brand stand out. There should be a need for your business. Otherwise, it will not succeed.
Overwhelmed? Don’t be. These are tasks that FranServe can help with. If you’re ready to take the next step, contact FranServe today!
Jessica Petrucelli
Contact: teamfranserve.com, connect@franserve.com