President and CEO of FranServe, Inc., Alesia Visconti, recognizes the importance of setting the tone for a successful year. That’s why, every January, she and her executive leadership team participate in FranForward. Visconti described FranForward as: “A fran-tastic mix of strategy planning, dopey fun, team building and creative brainstorming that keeps FranServe, Inc. rocking!” By Nancy E. Williams
President and CEO of FranServe, Inc., Alesia Visconti, recognizes the importance of setting the tone for a successful year. That’s why, every January, she and her executive leadership team participate in FranForward. Visconti described FranForward as: “A fran-tastic mix of strategy planning, dopey fun, team building and creative brainstorming that keeps FranServe, Inc. rocking!”
To learn how members of the leadership team felt about this annual retreat, FranServe’s Chief Talent Officer Don Clayton, CAFC, CFC, and Senior Vice President of Expansion Joan Winchester, CAFC, CFC, were interviewed.
What makes FranForward special?
It’s a time when we can collectively share ideas, expound on each other’s ideas, foster creativity and problem-solve. As FranServe matures as a solid established network of top consultants, the problems seem fewer, which allows our creativity to soar.
– Joan Winchester
Although our team is constantly in strategy sessions throughout the year, the FranFoward meetings are always different because it’s like a family reunion. We laugh, we get loud, we poke the bear, we have fun, but at the end of the day, we accomplish so much in terms of positive long-lasting growth for our consultants and all our franchise partners.
– Don Clayton
What’s your favorite part of the event?
Spending three days with Alesia Visconti. She is incredibly busy running FranServe and contributing to the success of the consultants and franchisors throughout the year, so I really treasure the time we spend working on the business together as a team with her decision-making ability.
– Joan Winchester
We’ve been together for so long now; we’re truly like family. We know what the other is thinking before they speak. We finish each other’s sentences, and we’re not afraid to challenge one another to be great! It’s so nice to get together for four days challenging one another in a fun yet intense atmosphere. Number two and number three of FranServe’s core values are evident and clear at each FranForward: Grow or die, and Teamwork gets results.
– Don Clayton
How does FranFoward help FranServe “keep rocking”?
At FranServe, we continue to create ways to raise the tide for all brands to achieve greater success. Success with FranServe, through FranServe and in addition to FranServe. We are in a position now where we can have a greater impact on the industry, not just ourselves. This is the most rewarding time of our growth, in my opinion, for sure. I love being able to innovate new initiatives to see brands soar.
– Joan Winchester
Alesia always challenges us to raise the bar. Sometimes when we think we’ve hit the bar, she challenges us to raise it at FranForward, and you know what, we do! It’s amazing and fran-tastic how this happens, but it does! Antiquated is not in our dictionary and never will be.
– Don Clayton
Nancy E. Williams