Analysis paralysis is real. It’s the Kryptonite to entrepreneurship. Don’t fall victim. We don’t live in a perfect world; therefore, no business model is perfect. If one lays out the pros and cons side by side and the pros have an 80% advantage or higher, one should probably move forward! By Don Clayton
What the heck is a Franchise Consultant?
Analysis paralysis is real. It’s the Kryptonite to entrepreneurship. Don’t fall victim. We don’t live in a perfect world; therefore, no business model is perfect. If one lays out the pros and cons side by side and the pros have an 80% advantage or higher, one should probably move forward!
Franchise consultants are certified in helping others not fall victim to analysis paralysis when considering franchise ownership. Franchise consultants consult with everyday people to introduce them to so many different styles, concepts, models, known and unknown, to enrich their knowledge before making any decision. In addition, they help their clients weigh the pros and cons based on their lifestyle, demographics, and perhaps a personality assessment to determine their entrepreneur DNA. Thousands turn to certified franchise consultants every day. In addition, franchise consultants can also help connect people to funding sources to start their franchise business.
Josh York, founder and CEO of GYMGUYZ said: “Overthinking is the enemy of progress. Dwelling on what may happen, what has happened, or what never happened isn’t going to help you reach your goal! Every moment we spend in our heads is one less minute we have to execute our plan of action.”
Perhaps you’d like to help others not fall victim to analysis paralysis and enter the fun-filled world of franchise consulting! Franchise consulting is a flexible, work-from-home business that can be very lucrative. For many, it is the perfect choice for them and they love that they can work from anywhere in the world, and all without the restrictions of a territory! Perhaps franchise consulting is for you. If you’d like to learn more, please visit teamfranserve.com or email connect@franserve.com.
– Don Clayton