Each year, 1851 Franchise does a roundup of the most influential and successful women in the franchising industry. In this installment, Erica Inman from 1851 Franchise spoke with Alesia Visconti, CEO of FranServe.
Each year, 1851 Franchise does a roundup of the most influential and successful women in the franchising industry. In this installment, Erica Inman from 1851 Franchise spoke with Alesia Visconti, CEO of FranServe.
“Erica Inman from 1851 Franchise interviewed me this week as a Top Woman in Franchising. She is a delight! She formulated and asked me very interesting questions – we had so much fun the time flew! I’ll share it when the piece is finalized.
I am delighted to share my knowledge with others, especially the younger generation! I never had a mentor in business and had to figure it out on my own. So “women helping women” is a big theme of mine and I love meeting frantastic women in all areas of the franchise space. The FranFam is the best!
Thank you Erica for a great interview!”
Alesia Visconti