
Owning a Talem Home Care & Placement Services franchise offers franchisees the flexibility so many care providers need to maintain a healthy work-life balance. By Elice Morgenson

Owning a Talem Home Care & Placement Services franchise offers franchisees the flexibility so many care providers need to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Being an entrepreneur can mean a franchisee will have to play the role of a lawyer, accountant, HR specialist, recruiting expert, and do many other tasks as needed. Talem Home Care has put in the time and effort to work out the best solutions for all the franchisee’s processes to alleviate these concerns. Jake Rankin, CEO and founder of Talem Home Care, said “From a day-to-day perspective, our goal is to create an environment where the only thing a franchisee needs to focus on is providing quality care and growing their business.”

One of the many ways Talem Home Care helps a small business owner maintain this healthy balance is by providing a proven operations process and valued vendor partners. “Being mobile, paperless, and by having experts in your corner, a franchisee can keep a steady balance with work and family, so they can do things like enjoy going to your kid’s soccer game, or visiting with family during the holidays,” said Rankin.

Every franchisee will establish their franchise and schedules differently, depending on how the skills of the franchisees develop. Ideally, a franchisee will work on building the brand name through the sales activities, getting involved in the community, and managing the care of their clients. As they develop, they may hire additional staff to assist with the general operations of the franchise, and periodic training and compliance education will keep the process running smoothly.

Talem Home Care has developed a health care system that empowers both the franchisee and community by helping health professionals be happier in their home lives and bring that forward into their care. You are given tools that assist you in your daily schedule. You create a schedule based on your particular clientele. You apply the managing duties when they work into your schedule. They give you the map, and you follow it to arrive at your destination of owning a successful Talem Home Care franchise.

If you are interested in a franchise where you can provide care to your community and maintain a flexible schedule, let Talem Home Care give you the tools you need to shine. Learn more by visiting: www.talemfranchising.com.

– Elice Morgenson