The pet food industry is growing at a lightning-paced speed, and Natural Hounds is leading the pack with its fresh dog food made with all-natural ingredients. As the nation’s first and only dog food kitchen franchise, Natural Hounds is poised to become a leader in the dog food industry as dog owners everywhere look to prioritize their furry friends’ health and wellness. By Shelby Green

The pet food industry is growing at a lightning-paced speed, and Natural Hounds is leading the pack with its fresh dog food made with all-natural ingredients. As the nation’s first and only dog food kitchen franchise, Natural Hounds is poised to become a leader in the dog food industry as dog owners everywhere look to prioritize their furry friends’ health and wellness.

“We take a holistic approach to nutrition,” said Co-Founder Rick Orlandi. “Our recipes are super easy on the digestive system and many of our customers are seeing an immediate impact when they switch from traditional kibble to Natural Hounds.”

From increased energy and weight loss to allergy relief, the list of benefits of switching to fresh dog food is seemingly endless. While there are many fresh pet food brands on the market, few are providing the flexibility and convenience that Natural Hounds is. Uniquely, this emerging brand doesn’t require customers to purchase a subscription. They can instead buy as low as one pound of food or make a wholesale order.

One factor behind the company’s success is its well-developed back- end system that allows for high production with just two employees. This benefits both customers and franchisees because it allows for low labor costs and fast, simple production. Additionally, Natural Hounds is focused on making healthy, well-balanced pet food and treats more accessible to pet owners through its affordable pricing.

“Production is a huge problem in the dog food industry,” Orlandi explained. “Before we developed our system, we couldn’t keep up with orders because we were handpacking. Our back-end system has been a game changer and our franchisees have the opportunity to be the first to take this model to market.”

Natural Hounds has big plans to expand in the upcoming year, as it looks to scale its business and make its high-quality product more accessible across the U.S.

“We believe that what we do is going to become mainstream,” said Orlandi. “It’s just a question of who does it the correct way in being affordable and easily accessible to the general public. I truly believe our model can provide that and help transform the dog food industry.”

Shelby Green