The franchise industry is all about people. The relationships you build with your franchisees, corporate team and supplier partners help you build a thriving franchise system. By Angela Coté
The franchise industry is all about people. The relationships you build with your franchisees, corporate team and supplier partners help you build a thriving franchise system.
The key to succeeding in an industry all about people and relationships? Growing your network and creating meaningful connections.
How exactly do you do this as a franchisor? Beyond the general advice of attending events and doing general email reach-outs I wanted to share the strategies we use, and coach our clients on, to create genuine relationships to grow your network.
Act as if every room is full of future franchisees/partners/team members
Something I like to remind our clients of every so often is to avoid pinching the funnel at the top. This applies to leads of course, but also to supplier partners, mentors and team members.
Try thinking of every person you meet and interact with as a potential partner/lead and see what doors this opens up for you and your business. I use this mindset frequently and I’m always impressed with the results!
Use the power of storytelling and connection
Humans crave connection – and connection is becoming the essence of good business practices! One of the best ways we can connect with others is by sharing our stories.
Telling your story as a franchisor (or anyone really) is something that takes a lot of getting used to. You may feel a sense of “look at me,” which can feel uncomfortable.
But ask yourself what is more important: feeling a bit uncomfortable trying something new or sacrificing amazing connections and business growth? Learning to share your story is worth the effort!
Learn to leverage LinkedIn
So you have a nice open funnel, and you’re getting used to sharing your story, next is to leverage the platforms available to you. I recommend both in-person connection and LinkedIn for anyone in the franchise and business space.
LinkedIn is especially great because it encourages people to actually connect with one another and engage on the platform. And the people on there are already in the networking mindset! Try updating your profile, posting one to two times per week, and start making new connections!
Angela Coté
Angela Coté is the CEO of Angela Coté (AC) Inc. and has been in the franchise industry for 25-plus years as a franchisor, franchisee, and adviser. AC Inc. helps franchisors scale strategically and support franchisees for success through community roundtables, 1:1 advising, and field coach training. Join the AC community at angelacote.com.