A new year marks the time where many of us resolve to live a more active lifestyle and become a healthier version of ourselves, but we often lose interest, and the good intentions are quickly forgotten. By Elice Morgenson
A new year marks the time where many of us resolve to live a more active lifestyle and become a healthier version of ourselves, but we often lose interest, and the good intentions are quickly forgotten. Regymen Fitness, a science-based boutique fitness franchise, creates an immersive exercise environment that promises to not only eliminate boredom but also to make sure to continuously exceed the expectations of its members.
Leah Seacrest, vice president of fitness, explains a little about the science behind the workout routines at Regymen Fitness. “Regymen programming is designed to encompass multiple modalities to provide variety in both cardiovascular and strength training. Both types of training are important to overall health and wellness. Regymen releases weekly focused workouts, allotting more time for an intense workout of a specific body area, with extra days for recovery before that area is worked out again. However, we mix in full-body days as well. This allows participants to plan their workouts accordingly in line with their schedule. Our programming also ensures a variety of training, including strength, endurance, and hypertrophy. The complexity of what we offer far exceeds your typical fitness routine by providing a procured, balanced and results-oriented program,” she said.
Everyone’s version of a healthy lifestyle may look different, but the long-term benefits of making improvements to our health routines can be felt in every aspect of our lives. Seacrest dove deeper into the health benefits Regymen Fitness offers members. “The number of benefits that come along with ongoing fitness is huge!” Seacrest said. “Of course, it staves off major illnesses and diseases but also aids in stress reduction and mental health. In my opinion, the most important benefit is ensuring the quality of life as we age. Staying active has a huge impact on ensuring we get the most out of life for all of our life.”
When asked about how the pandemic has affected Regymen Fitness, Seacrest noticed that the results were refreshingly positive. “Coming out of COVID, and the sheer fact that staying healthy is now non-negotiable, a vast majority of people are flocking back to the gym. Our studios have seen a resurgence of members old and new making their health and wellness a priority. We saw, like many others in the industry, record-breaking months of membership in typical slow months of the year,” she said.
Regymen Fitness offers competitive pricing and a constantly evolving program list to pique the interest of a growing fitness market and maintain the involvement of its members.
The eye-catching studio atmosphere is unique in the industry and offers theatrical lighting, real-time data, booming music and extra-large screens, and it is structured to accomplish more in a smaller space with fewer employees.
The brand offers its franchisees unparalleled support from the moment they sign on and beyond. The committed team behind Regymen Fitness provides the resources each business owner needs to train employees, including industry-leading technology to run the business smoothly, ongoing marketing assistance, and the mentorship and guidance needed to grow the business.
Elice Morgenson
Contact: regymenfitness.com