Tune into Franchise Business Radio to get insight from Steve Cesari, multi-business owner, Inc. Magazine’s nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year, author, speaker and founder of the Cesari Companies.
Tune into Franchise Business Radio to get insight from Steve Cesari, multi-business owner, Inc. Magazine’s nominee for Entrepreneur of the Year, author, speaker and founder of the Cesari Companies. During this interview, Steve encourages self-reflection and challenges us on how to live one’s best possible life at home, at work and in the community.
Below are some interview excerpts:
Currie: How do you be the best and achieve the best at home, at work and in the community?
Cesari: Literally, two things: surrounding myself with the right people and surrounding myself with the right opportunities. An “intentional” mindset. I break it down into what I call the five “F’s” of success: Faith, Family, Friends, Finance and Fitness. It’s about helping entrepreneurs make money, but it is also helping them make a difference and that is where the community comes in. It’s not just about how much money can I make for me, but how can I make the world a better place. Having specific goals to use the wealth that you create to help make the community and world a better place. Having established goals in each of these areas to help be the best and achieve the best at home, at work and in the community.
Currie: We were talking earlier about whether it is life balance or is it life integration?
Cesari: Well, I wrote a book called “Clarity, How to Get It, How to Keep It & How to Use It to Balance Your Life”. And I’ve since replaced the word “balance” with “integration” because our lives are always out of balance. So, I love the word integration a lot more than balance because as you know personally and professionally, there’s always times where we’re going to be out of balance, where we have to be a little more focused on work and other times where we have to be a little more focused on what we want to achieve and accomplish on a personal level. Again, the “intentionality” and doing it with a pre-prepared thought process of here’s my goal.
Currie: Let’s get a little deeper on what is holding most people and businesses back from reaching this full potential.
Cesari: Here’s three questions that I ask all my clients. And I usually don’t give this away over air, but I’m going to… (Tune in to hear the rest of the interview.)
For the complete interview, tune in to FranchiseBusinessRadio.com.
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Pamela Currie has 20-plus years in franchising. As a certified franchise consultant, Pamela helps individuals make an educated and informed decision when selecting a franchise. Pamela enjoys being a resource and partner in helping people find a franchise that aligns for them. Interested in franchise ownership? Contact Pamela, Pam@FranchiseIntellect.com for a complimentary consultation.