When I first heard the news that Robert Cresanti, CEO and president of the International Franchise Association (IFA), would be stepping down when his contract completes at the end of March, I felt sad. By Alesia Visconti
When I first heard the news that Robert Cresanti, CEO and president of the International Franchise Association (IFA), would be stepping down when his contract completes at the end of March, I felt sad. I wasn’t sad because the IFA wouldn’t have a CEO – I know the IFA board members are strong leaders capable of guiding the organization until a new CEO is chosen. Rather, I was sad because the IFA would soon lose a wonderful person, full of passion for the franchise community. Robert is not only an amazing CEO, but he also is incredibly humble and genuine.
I was sad because I was going to miss chatting with him at various industry events and interfacing with him for interviews and articles we have published over the years in Franchise Dictionary Magazine.
I first met Robert Cresanti at an IFA Summer Board meeting. It was a perfect venue for meeting Robert, as it was an intimate setting by invitation only. I was fortunate to be escorted to Robert’s dinner table the first evening and sat to his left.
Robert’s down-to-earth personality was immediately evident. He made small talk with his table guests, laughed with friends, and, just like a good host, introduced the newbies at the table, myself included. His good nature and etiquette immediately made me feel like a welcomed participant! Soon, I was part of the discussions and was “talking shop” on all things franchising! It was a glorious and memorable evening!
While my path crossed with Robert numerous times over the years – summer Board meetings, IFA annual conventions, FAN (Franchise Action Network) sessions where franchise professionals fly into Washington, D.C., to meet with lawmakers on subjects impacting franchising – I spent the most time with Robert at FranServe’s 2019 convention, where he was our keynote speaker. Unlike many other keynote speakers, Robert did not fly in, speak, and fly out. Instead, he stayed for a few days mingling with our FranServe Franchise Consultants, franchisors and suppliers. He had his meals with all of us, joined us at happy hour, and connected with our attendees. He also never refused to take a picture with anyone who requested one, and at times, that went on for a long, long time!
One of my favorite times with Robert was when he and I spent several hours discussing legislature and policies that could influence the franchise community. We also discussed franchise consulting at great length and how consultants can best serve their candidates with franchise ownership. Robert’s passion for franchising was obvious; he spoke with zeal as he discussed the future of franchising, and he applauded FranServe’s Code of Ethics as well as our commitment to our core values. It was a conversation filled with facts and figures but also with emotions and intensity. It was clear that Robert’s love for franchising was at his core, and it is still one of my favorite “shop talk” conversations to date.
While I am so very sorry to see Robert resign at the end of March, I am also so very grateful for my friendship with him and for the fran-tastic leadership he has bestowed upon the IFA during his tenure. I know I am a better franchise professional because of him and am forever grateful for his wisdom. I wish him the very best in his next endeavor, and with much sincerity, I end with one simple sentence: Thank you, Robert!
For more information about the International Franchise Association (IFA) or to just stay on top of franchise news, visit franchise.org.
– Alesia Visconti