HomeVestors® offers solutions for home sellers who have run out of options and need to sell their property quickly for cash. The brand’s nationally recognized billboards deliver its message clearly: “We Buy Ugly Houses®.” By Elice Morgenson
HomeVestors® offers solutions for home sellers who have run out of options and need to sell their property quickly for cash. The brand’s nationally recognized billboards deliver its message clearly: “We Buy Ugly Houses®.” Unlike other companies, HomeVestors is interested in houses that are not viable for the traditional real-estate market and need the help of a specialized expert to restore the property to its former glory. Once the house is restored, it is up to the HomeVestors franchisee to decide to sell or rent their new property.
Are you interested in joining a highly successful business that focuses on real-estate investment and property rehabilitation but have no experience in real estate? You are in the right place, according to Lauren Midgley, the franchise growth director at HomeVestors. “Half of the people we attract to HomeVestors have worked in real estate before, but half of them have no prior real-estate experience. Both types are equally successful,” said Midgley. “What makes HomeVestors different? The typical independent real-estate investor generally experiences a market that has a tremendous amount of competition. HomeVestors can limit this competition by advertising directly to homeowners who have serious situations with their distressed properties. We are able to take our extensive knowledge in the industry and help homeowners solve their issues.”
With a business model created using over 25 years of industry experience, HomeVestors has made the buying process simple for their franchisees. Business is driven through an advertising system where each franchisee participates at a financial level based on their individual business goals. The leads are split up accordingly, which removes any issue of competition between franchise owners in each market.
“The franchisee coming in does not need to have extensive marketing expertise because we have put this system together for them. In other franchise systems, they need to come in knowing how to sell, market, and operate their businesses,” Midgley explained. “We have taken marketing to another level because our franchisees participate with their advertising councils and maximize their advertising dollar spent through our national brand, We Buy Ugly Houses. We have a professional marketing team that uses over 20 years of our specific data to create the advertising and marketing for us. They know how to buy billboards, radio and TV as well as where and how to invest in online advertising. Franchisees can direct their focus on the training we offer them to learn how to efficiently and confidently buy houses.”
Each new owner is advised and trained to bring in at least 100 leads in their first six months. Subsequently, leads continue to come in at a steady, predictable rate, depending on the advertising investment made by each owner. New franchisees no longer worry about getting customers in the door. They simply need to answer calls as they come in, meet the homeowner, and assist with the right solution.
The cost of becoming a HomeVestors property expert is one of the lowest in the entire franchise industry. According to Midgley: “The total investment necessary to begin operations as an Associate Franchise HomeVestors Business is $72,000 to $365,250. This includes a $34,000 franchise fee.”
HomeVestors offers opportunities for investors from any experience level. If you are ready to start a business in real estate, email karen.hughes@homevestors.com or call 855-566-7542.
– Elice Morgenson