For Mike Bahun, CEO and founder of Fundraising University, the need to give back lies at the very heart of his ambitions. In fact, his sole purpose for starting Fundraising University sprang from a desire to impact kids and communities. “I was a former professional athlete who was from a single-parent family,” Bahun said. By Lizzy Yeserski
For Mike Bahun, CEO and founder of Fundraising University, the need to give back lies at the very heart of his ambitions. In fact, his sole purpose for starting Fundraising University sprang from a desire to impact kids and communities. “I was a former professional athlete who was from a single-parent family,” Bahun said.
“Coaches provided mentorship and a path and direction in my life. It’s my ‘why,’ and I can’t think of a better place to spend my time than supporting coaches or kids.”
Since its beginning in 2009, Fundraising University has raised a jaw-dropping $146 million for 2,000 schools nationwide. Their proven, simple sales formula allows organizations to achieve maximum fundraising results within the quickest time frames possible and with the least amount of interference. In the short term, monies collected pay for necessities such as equipment, uniforms, and training. In the long term, much-needed funds unify teams, energize programs, and create lasting, positive outcomes for communities. By supporting schools and championing youth activities, Fundraising University empowers kids to dream big.
And never has the need been so critical. In the aftermath of COVID-19, budget cuts have threatened to slash (and in some cases eliminate) school athletic programs. “Everybody realized that the schools need more money than ever. Schools have fixed costs, and there’s no way around the fact. It’s sad that they’re going to be cutting things,” said Bahun. As such, coaches and teams feel increasing pressure to raise money, and some public schools have moved to “pay-to-play” models. With costs shifting to families, students in lower-income brackets may be forced to quit athletics altogether, which could be devastating. Not only can a lack of sports endanger physical health, but it can cripple students’ emotional and social wellness as well.
Here’s where Fundraising University stands to embrace exponential growth as a national brand leader. While the pandemic has left schools with larger debt and smaller budgets, it also has inadvertently created more opportunities within the $800 million dollar fundraising industry. “From a business standpoint, that gives us increased higher need in the marketplace. It has also decimated our competition,” said Bahun. His corporate team of athletes, coaches and teachers understand the “pain points” of funding sports programs, and they are ready to help. They’re excited to unveil a new product line and leverage newly enhanced marketing strategies. More so, they’re proud to preserve the student-athlete experience and spread the core values of working together.
Fundraising University’s philanthropic efforts don’t end there. “We give back by not only providing a service that we offer to schools to help them raise money, but we also donate about 8% of our annual income to prizes for the kids,” Bahun noted.
An even larger initiative within Fundraising University is its highly acclaimed Coaching Matters program. “Coaching Matters gives back a percentage of every sale from the corporate side to coaching development for coaching clinics. We do a monthly Coaching Matters webinar where we have college and professional coaches come on, and they speak into that particular sport about best practices and how to help their teams get better.”
As a 28-year coaching veteran with 20 years of fundraising experience, Bahun knows how to support his internal teams, too. Fundraising University franchisees receive extensive, ongoing training complemented by full marketing support and access to the company’s cutting-edge technology and systems. Payoffs include recurring revenue and strong returns. Plus, it’s a home-based, low overhead, low start-up business that follows a family friendly school calendar with light summers and holidays off.
Now’s the perfect time to join the Fundraising University team. Until July 15, they’re offering franchisees 180 days of zero payments to get started. Go to fundraisingu.net/franchising to learn more.
– Lizzy Yeserski