After coaching college football for seven years, Jake Morse searched for a career that would allow him to do what he loved: build relationships and have an impact. He found that opportunity in Fundraising University. By Lizzy Yeserski
Making an Impact
After coaching college football for seven years, Jake Morse searched for a career that would allow him to do what he loved: build relationships and have an impact. He found that opportunity in Fundraising University.
Fundraising University, the country’s premier fundraising company, helps schools raise much-needed monies for extracurricular programs. Its mission is to energize teams and communities with effective and profitable fundraisers.
Morse owns a two-franchise territory that runs through Wyoming, western Nebraska, and Colorado. Under the guidance of Mike Bahun, founder and CEO, and the Fundraising University leadership team, he’s created a rewarding business. “I think it’s special,” Morse said, adding, “It’s not necessarily a job; it’s more of a passion.”
For a Fundraising University franchisee, the calendar is split up into two parts: out-of-season and in-season. Outlined below is what a typical out-of-season day looks like for Morse.
During his busy in-season months of August, November, March and May (which will vary for franchisees depending on location), Morse will usually execute three fundraising kickoffs a day: one in the early morning, one around lunchtime, and one in the evening after a team practice.

To learn more about exciting franchising opportunities with Fundraising University, visit fundraisingu.net/franchising today.
– Lizzy Yeserski