Franchising is special in the ways leaders, on both sides of the brand – from franchisee to founder – give back to their communities. This is one of the truly special things that I love about franchising. By Dawn Abbamondi
We see you doing good – and we applaud your efforts
Franchising is special in the ways leaders, on both sides of the brand – from franchisee to founder – give back to their communities. This is one of the truly special things that I love about franchising.
It is not just that business owners support causes, initiatives and goals of the neighboring area, they also see a need and proactively offer to help. This can be through volunteering to support a development project, mentoring others through business associations or speaking at the local high school.
Franchise owners also support the community by adding to the tax base. They help communities thrive by offering necessary services and products, from their morning coffee to home repairs and everything in between. As business owners, they hire community employees, whether it is the youngest teens who seek their first job, to parents and senior citizens who live in the area. They get to know their customers and become an integral part of the area residents’ everyday lives.
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur considering franchise ownership, here are some facts you can consider that will back up what you’re reading. According to the International Franchise Association (IFA) and their Open For Opportunity campaign research* franchisees:
- Drive 1.8 times higher sales than comparable non-franchise establishments
- Provide 2.3 times as many jobs than their non-franchise counterparts
- Pass their success on to employees in the form of higher wages and benefits and greater opportunity for advancement
In addition, more than 65% of franchise owners, who independently own and operate a business, have donated more than $1.5 billion.
Awesome, right? Maybe now you will understand why I think this is an incredible industry to become a part of when you’re ready to own a business.
If you’re considering a franchise brand, look to founders and franchisees alike to see what they do to give back. You can choose to join their community and become a part of their culture, mission and participate in the future they have committed to support. In turn, you will bring this truly amazing aspect of franchising to your area.
Dawn Abbamondi
*Read more on this here: https://openforopportunity.com/research/
Dawn Abbamondi, vice president of marketing and brand development at SMB Franchise Advisors, has over 20 years of extensive franchising experience in the coffee, food, convenience, gift and floral industries. Abbamondi leads the areas of marketing, social media, public relations, web development, and lead generation. SMBFranchising.com, 215-370-7998, Dawn@SMBFranchising.com