Adria Hartwig, franchise development director at City Wide Facility Solutions, has noticed a shift in the motivation behind franchise ownership: Parents are more dedicated to helping their children find quality long-term employment. By Erika Ortega


Adria Hartwig, franchise development director at City Wide Facility Solutions, has noticed a shift in the motivation behind franchise ownership: Parents are more dedicated to helping their children find quality long-term employment.

“We are seeing an uptick in new franchisees focused on the value of growing a City Wide business and passing it down to their children,” said Hartwig.

The pattern of generational business structures is becoming more common, and families are achieving great success while offering their children stable career opportunities.

“From the first moment I actively considered starting my own business, the majority of my motivation was to attempt to create something that our sons would find interesting and enjoyable so that they could conceivably work with me and ultimately take over what I hoped would be a thriving entity,” said Thomas Grem, president of City Wide Facility Solutions Central Maryland. “There were quite a few owners who seemed to have a similar mindset related to involving family, and as I whittled down the opportunities, City Wide rose above the rest.”

Even though Grem’s wife, Sandy, is not directly involved in the commercial facility management company, she has been instrumental in the family venture. In 2020, Grem’s eldest son, Jimmy, transitioned from a professional golfer to an operations role in the family business. In 2021, Grem’s younger son, Doug, joined the company in a sales role following a career in financial services.

“I made it very clear to both of my sons that they would not simply step into a family company without first getting a sense of being in the professional world,” explained Grem.

When asked about the pros and cons of working with his boys, Grem stated: “Paving the way and trying to make a better life for one’s offspring is a challenge but can also be deeply gratifying. I personally see no cons to working with my family members. I get to see them far more often, so it’s all a win-win for me.”

The Grem family is one of many in the City Wide franchise group experiencing next-generation leadership expansions, and Grem feels the brand will stay in good hands.

Erika Ortega