Starting a new homebuilding business on the eve of a sudden economic recession might be the stuff of nightmares for most people. But Ken Semler isn’t your average home builder. His company, Impresa Modular, is one of the leading providers of custom modular homes in the nation. The brand is expanding rapidly – despite the economic fallout from COVID-19 – since launching its franchise offering last year. By Rochelle Miller
Starting a new homebuilding business on the eve of a sudden economic recession might be the stuff of nightmares for most people. But Ken Semler isn’t your average home builder. His company, Impresa Modular, is one of the leading providers of custom modular homes in the nation. The brand is expanding rapidly – despite the economic fallout from COVID-19 – since launching its franchise offering last year.
“I have a passion for our company, but I have a huge passion for this industry itself,” Semler says. “I want to see it grow. I want to see it flourish.”
Modular building differs from traditional home construction in that sections of a house are built offsite in a manufacturing facility. The sections are then transported to the homesite to be permanently affixed to a foundation. The process allows for excellent quality control as well as speedy and efficient construction.
A visit to Impresa Modular’s robust website enables future homeowners to start visualizing their dream homes. The custom modular homebuilding website is the most comprehensive in the industry, generating more user traffic than any other.
Prospective homebuyers can choose from dozens of models in a variety of architectural styles. They may select add-on options for standard floor plans. If they’re seeking a home that’s truly one of a kind, Impresa Modular also offers complete custom home design services.
As a licensed builder in 42 states, Semler’s credentials include serving as chair of the National Association of Home Builders’ Building Systems Council and a member of the board of directors of the Modular Home Builders Association. A recognized expert in the field, he is frequently booked for live interviews, educational workshops and speaking engagements.
With Semler’s expertise and powerful marketing tools at the disposal of franchise owners, even those with no background in homebuilding recognize the advantages Impresa Modular offers as a business opportunity.
– Rochelle Miller
For more information regarding franchising with Impresa Modular, visit impresamodularfranchising.com or call 866-622-2906.