Marie Miller initially joined Jabz Boxing as a client – to relieve the stress of an unfulfilling sales career. After becoming engaged to now-husband Brant Miller, she became even more serious about her workout, determined to be as trim as possible for her wedding. Jabz Boxing helped her reach both goals, attaining greater well-being and fitness. By Cindy Charette
Marie Miller initially joined Jabz Boxing as a client – to relieve the stress of an unfulfilling sales career. After becoming engaged to now-husband Brant Miller, she became even more serious about her workout, determined to be as trim as possible for her wedding. Jabz Boxing helped her reach both goals, attaining greater well-being and fitness.
When Miller learned Jabz Boxing was beginning to franchise, she immediately knew she wanted to become an owner. She transitioned from client to trainer, and her dream of becoming a Jabz franchisee began to unfold when she met Jennifer Nikolou, her current business partner.
Nikolou also wanted to open a Jabz Boxing franchise, and the two were able to perfectly balance their skills and attributes, with Miller running the front-line managerial operations and Nikolou handling the back-end marketing and financials. After their first Phoenix location blossomed, they decided to scale their business and invest in a second location that had already been established. This time, Brant Miller, a personal trainer, wanted to join in the adventure and become a partner.
“I’ve always loved fitness, training people and helping them change mentally, physically and spiritually through personal training,” Brant Miller says.
Being the only male trainer at a predominantly female gym was a bit challenging at first. In fact, he spent the first several months building trust, but now the members know he is there to help them and share his knowledge gained from 20 years of experience in personal training.
Marie reminds Brant that he’s a huge part of the gym. “They adore you and laugh at all of your jokes, take feedback and correction. You’re now just one of the girls,” she says. Brant Miller returns the compliment, saying how much Marie cares for each client and how she has put her whole heart into each studio.
The Millers have created a unique balance as a married couple and community leaders who also work together while supporting one another’s dreams and passions.
If you would like more information about a Jabz Boxing franchise, visit jabzfranchising.com.
– Cindy Charette