Always look for the helpers
This quote is not new, but it sure feels good during times of stress and uncertainty. There are so many people doing good right now. We applaud them. We are grateful for them. We’ll get through this together.
This quote is not new, but it sure feels good during times of stress and uncertainty. There are so many people doing good right now. We applaud them. We are grateful for them. We’ll get through this together.
We’re your source for the latest news and trends in franchising.
If you have the means, consider buying a gift certificate from your favorite small business or posting a positive review. Referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations are always appreciated as well!
Decisions don’t get much bigger than deciding to start up a new business. Let us help you feel out which franchise fits you or your clients best. #franchiseconsulting #franchise #franchisedictionary #business
Social distancing can be tough. Don’t forget to check in on your loved ones with regular phone and/or video calls!
“I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.”
Sometimes the best advice is the most simple.
For most of us, our lives look pretty different than they did a few weeks ago. How are you choosing to spend your unexpected extra time at home?