Tune in to Franchise Business Radio to learn about important aspects of marketing from Brian Zaslow. Below are some interview excerpts. By Pamela Currie
Tune in to Franchise Business Radio to learn about important aspects of marketing from Brian Zaslow. Below are some interview excerpts:
Currie: What are common challenges you see in business owners’ marketing efforts?
Zaslow: I think some of the challenges are not understanding that marketing is really rooted in facts, data and good solid information to make decisions on. You can’t just do it from seat of the pants. So, you have to really know the information so that you can make valid decisions and accurately measure success. I think also some of the challenges are that people are impatient in this digital world that we live in for results. And it takes time to build a brand to find the essence of what you do different and better than others, and then communicate it and give it time for people to get multiple impressions of your brand in different spots, to be able to succeed in getting the phone to ring, to get someone to come to your store, for someone to make an appointment; whatever it is your objectives are. Marketing takes time and I think some of the misperceptions are that it can happen quickly. It has to happen with an investment of time and money. You need to have reliable and skilled marketers doing the work. So, people that have other responsibilities and say, “I’ll do the marketing too,” and marketing is part time, won’t work. It’s better to rely on professionals.
Currie: Let’s discuss best practices on identifying marketing opportunities.
Zaslow: Sure. A lot of things that I like to teach my clients and what I work on with them is that you have to have a process for doing the work that you do. In my mind, I have a process which I call the “Inside Out Process,” and that would be my advice in terms of how to do things successfully. What I mean by the “Inside Out Process,” to do marketing successfully, you have to have your house in order, before you invest any money externally, before you spend money on advertising. And what are the things that you have to do internally? Those are the things like making sure that your product/service is in the right place. Do you have the right data and insights to be able to capture information once you do it or to make decisions?
For the complete interview, tune in to FranchiseBusinessRadio.com.
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Pamela Currie has 20-plus years in franchising. As a certified franchise consultant, Pamela helps individuals make an educated and informed decision when selecting a franchise. Pamela enjoys being a resource and partner in helping people find a franchise that aligns for them. Interested in franchise ownership? Contact Pamela, Pam@FranchiseIntellect.com for a complimentary consultation.